Remember Me


I’ve mentioned before how the first years of our marriage were uncomfortable financially, but God always provided. Without that experience, I probably wouldn’t be here today sharing this blog with you. But they were not fun times. We rarely went out to a restaurant to eat. If we did, we were highly conservative and only ordered water to drink. I’m still shocked that some places charge 30 cents for a cup of water. I remember, as a little girl, when every restaurant greeted you, seated you, then placed a tall complimentary glass of ice water on the table before taking your order. I know this because I was blessed with a very comfortable life as a child, not perfect, but not wanting anything material.

Making Dollars Scream

There was a particularly difficult period when every single dollar had to stretch until it screamed. It was painful to decline dinner invitations from well-meaning friends. I guess we were too proud to explain eating out once may impede our ability to get quality groceries for the rest of the month. It was during this time I discovered couponing. I wrote an entire article on my top dollar saving methods here. Coupons allowed a tiny bit of wiggle room, but we still felt the vice of money limitations.

A Strange Turn of Events

The strangest thing occurred several times during those trying years. I would open the refrigerator to decide what to fix for supper. Yes. I did cook for my family when the girls were little … LOL! That is when I refined my cornbread expertise. But I digress… 🙂 Searching the fridge, time after time, I had all the ingredients for a simple meal except for one item. Sometimes there was tomato sauce, meat, cheese, but no noodles for spaghetti. I may have carrots, bread, and mayonnaise, but no cheese for grilled cheese sandwiches with carrots and ranch. This seemed to always happen at the end of the month when our pockets were empty. It was about this time of day our mailman came and I went out to gather the bills.

The Mailman Brought Us Supper

Discouraged, I thumbed through all our medical, water, sewage, and utility bills trying to make the numbers work. At the bottom of the stack was a small packet of coupons provided by our local grocer. Several times, I opened the packet to find a FREE coupon on top for the very ingredient we needed to make dinner possible! It never ceased to amaze me. What orchestrated this series of events? Someone at the corporate office chose which coupons to print. I’m guessing they made those decisions weeks in advance. How they selected which item to offer free is a mystery. Perhaps they had a surplus. Maybe a farmer offered them a great deal so they passed the savings on to customers to draw them into the store. In any case, our meal was made possible by that free item.

Remember This

Pushing the cart through the grocery store, I held firmly to my free item coupon. I didn’t need the cart to hold several food items, just the one on the coupon. The cart was to hold my baby securely while my 5-year-old rode in the basket or held onto my shirttail tagging along behind me. Making my way to the bottle of ketchup, carrots, or free gallon of milk, my eyes filled with tears. Yes, there was some self-pity involved. Life had always been so comfortable. This was a new way of living for me. But the tears came more from a feeling that bubbled up from my heart. It was like a voice, but not one that I could hear with my ears. The voice was firm but loving. I felt it gently speak to my heart, “Remember this.”

What Did It Mean?

It is difficult to express the emotions that followed. I was overwhelmed that anything or anyone even cared about or saw the vein struggle in my heart. I should have been thankful for the provision. But the words did not convict or even accuse me. They comforted me. There was reassurance in remembering this. The assurance was things would change. It would not always be this way. Someday, I would look back and “remember” the way things used to be. It was a relief. It gave me hope.

I Remember for You

Now, I write this post in the past tense, indeed, recalling events from a difficult time. Things aren’t always sunshine and daisies, but we have come a long way. Dwelling on our desires during that part of life could have destroyed us. You may be in this very state. Remember this! Better times are coming. Hold onto the hope that someone cares for you, sees your tears, and is providing for your needs, be they ever so meager.

Final Thoughts

The funny thing is, after all these years, my brain made another connection. My mom and grandmother dragged me to church every Sunday when I was a little girl. I remember whining, crying, and protesting. I wanted to sleep a little longer, eat a few more pancakes, or watch another cartoon. Nonetheless, I ended up sitting on a pink upholstered pew. We were fortunate that the seats had been updated. I understand many churches in that time had solid wood under your behind for the duration of a sermon…OUCH!

Remember Me

Anyway, I vividly recall staring at a wooden table placed front and center of the pastor’s speaking podium. It was often draped with a white table runner. Sitting on top were stacked silver platters holding little round white crackers and tiny clear plastic cups of grape juice. Words were carved on the front of the golden wood table. They read, “Do This In Remembrance Of Me.” Over the course of many Easter services, I learned what exactly those words meant. It turns out, the quiet voice in my heart that assured me things would get better, made things better for me. Not only did He provide food for my family, but He also provided the opportunity for us to live forever, in a MUCH better place!

Happy Easter

This Easter Sunday, I want to pause from the day-to-day home improvements to encourage you. There is hope and a good future in store for you. There is nothing we can do to earn a better life. If you are currently struggling financially, emotionally, or medically, it isn’t because you brought it on yourself. It is because we live in a fallen world where things that suck just happen. But there is a better way. I encourage you to pick up a Bible and learn more about how much you are loved. For God so loved the world that He gave his only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but live forever ~John 3:16 You are loved!

Be sure to bookmark this page for more life inspiration. Be my guest at the Sawdust and Cornbread YouTube Channel for helpful videos. Until next time. “If there’s no one left in the living world to remember you, you disappear from this world. But you can change that!” 

~Lora Lea

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